Hurra! Some of the illustrations of Mon petit frère invisible have been selectionated for la Mostra degli Illustratori de Bologna. I am even happier because some good friends have been selectionated too.
The international jury was composed by: Charles Kim, Associate Publisher at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA; Ulla Rhedin, Phd in Comparative Literature and Picture Books Specialist, Sweden; Svjetlan Junakovic, Illustrator, Painter and Sculptor, Croatia; Benjamin Chaud, Illustrator, France; Paola Parazzoli, Picture Books Editor, Rizzoli, Italy.
Además, os pongo por aquí algunas de las buenas reseñas que ha tenido Mon petit allá por la France, y los links a las respectivas páginas. Podéis pinchar en la imagen para verlas más grandes y poder leerlas, siempre que leáis francés.
Moreover, these are some of the good critics of Mon petit frère invisible there in France. You can read them clicking on the picture.